Instagram Made Me Like These Trendy Furniture Items…But Are They Actually Cool?

There are some furniture items and decor pieces that I can only describe to you in one (hyphenated) word: scroll-stopping. You know what I mean, it’s when you’re on Instagram and you see some oddly shaped piece of furniture in a room and all you can do is stop your scroll, zoom in a little, and stare at it for far too long. Maybe you’re staring because you’ve never seen anything like it before, or maybe you’re staring because this is the 1,000th time you’ve seen it and it’s taunting you because you can’t find it online since it’s sold out everywhere (or too expensive).

For me it was the latter. It all started with that H&M circle vase that’s been out of stock for god knows how long but everyone seems to have. Here’s the photo (from @thishouse5000) that confirmed I needed to get one:

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